An aggressive marketing campaign is planned for the AFG EDGE Conference. The event will be heavily marketed for approximately 8 weeks prior to the event and on an annual basis. DIGITAL MEDIA The AFG website is an important vehicle of communication for news, program updates, sponsorship information and links. Online media outlets will also be used to market the AFG EDGE Conference and Annual Sponsor Programs.
The AFG EDGE Conference, and other event related Facebook pages enjoy over 50,000 followers combined, providing an effective platform to convey sponsor's logos and messages. The AFG EDGE Program Committee is actively engaged in marketing via social media and will highlight all sponsors on this platform.
Regional publications and tourism publications will be used to market the event, including both visual ads and articles. Event posters and flyers are printed and distributed throughout West Virginia.
NEWSLETTERS Information will be included in all of our promotional newsletters, prior and after the conference or educational event.
Opportunities exist for companies and organizations to sponsor at a variety of levels. There are endless customizable options available to ensure your company maximizes your chances to touch new and existing customers. Sponsor will enjoy many benefits, such as advertising, vendor space, event signage, registrations, online event opportunities and more.
SPONSOR NOW! With the 2023 AFG EDGE Conference comes outstanding benefits and unique opportunities for your brand and company. Partner with us to take advantage to share your company's messaging, educational opportunities. To discuss sponsorship and advertising opportunities please complete the attached form or contact Luke Driscoll at (202) 628-4402 or emaii info@associationfoundationgrouQ.org.
Event planning, publicity and website design created by PlanltWorldcom
20 2 3 Sponsor / Exhibitor Commitment Form Organization Name: Contact Name& Title: Contact Ema:il
Contact Phon:e
Street Address: City, ST Zip:
Sponsorship Level:
Payment Typ:e
Check (enclosed,payable to AFG) Credit Card (below) Invoice (dueMa rch 1, 20 2 3 ) Card AMEX Maste rCard Visa
Platinum ($50,00) Gold ($3, 5 00) Silver($2, 5 00) Bronze ($1, 5 00) Exhibitor($500 Other ______
Card #: Signature:
Complete thisf orm and submit v ia:
Email to info@assocai tionfoundationgroup.org
Fax to 202.449.9551
Mail to 17 50 KStreet,NW,Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20006
To honor sponsorship beneftis, commtiments must be received on or before February 1 st . Payment is due at the time of commitment for new sponsors. Returning sponsors may request an invoice for payment, and full remittance is due by M arch 1 st .
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